About the Coaches

Rozanne M. Rucker


Specialized Services:

Although I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT-Kentucky), here at Synergy I wear a Coach or Consultant hat, and my clients benefit from the skills honed in my 22 years as a therapist (and decades as a clergy wife!) serving individuals, couples, and families from a variety of backgrounds. Clients have told me they feel heard and valued in our sessions, that they experience me as a safe, warm, and caring person with whom to think out loud and explore possibilities. Clients appreciate my non-judgmental compassion which is the context that helps them dig deeper to discover solutions and uncover their own God-given wisdom and courage to BE in the world in a healthier, happier way.

I bring my experience as a “Third Culture Kid”, having been born in the US but growing up in Brazil where my parents were Christian missionaries until my last two years of high school. (My conversational Portuguese is still passable!). As an adult I have lived in and served in ministry in Japan, Hong Kong, Guatemala, and in various US states, including several years as a family therapist in Kodiak, Alaska, and three years (2018-2021) as a parenting consultant for families in multiple states.

In my first seven years out of graduate school I was the Marriage and Family Therapist on a forensic custody evaluation team. I also served as a Parenting Coordinator, helping separated or divorced parents navigate co-parenting more successfully. Most of my work has been with people dealing with stage of life changes, grief/loss issues, relationship roadblocks, communication challenges, and parenting concerns. My husband of 39 years and I have been fortunate to learn a great deal from our three children who are all grown up now and on their own, and we are thrilled to be grandparents of four!

I am available to meet with clients over Zoom or by phone, whatever is more comfortable or convenient for you. Each session is 50 minutes, and I am generally available Tuesday – Friday. You may consult my online scheduling calendar for specific days and times.

If you have read this far, perhaps you see the possibility of God having brought us together in a growth-creating connection. I would be honored to join your journey in discovering resources to energize, equip, empower, and encourage you.

David C. Rucker

MDiv, DMiss (ABD), CC, TiM Facilitator

Certified by Coach Training Alliance