What does the word “repentance” mean in ancient Christianity?

This video is part of a series of “Conversations” recorded and edited by Vic Downing, retired founder of Global Advantage, Inc. For over 30 years Vic has assisted in the mentoring of executive leaders in some of the largest corporations in the United States. Vic is also a faithful member of Holy Resurrection Orthodox Cathedral on Kodiak Island, Alaska.

For four years I had the privilege of facilitating a weekly Men’s Group while teaching at St. Herman Seminary in Kodiak. Those men were not willing to settle for religious jargon or theoretical theology. They had serious questions about Christianity that applied to their daily lives, their families, and their vocations. Some knew just enough about Christianity to make them suspicious, or miserable, and they wanted to know if there was any truly “good news” in the Christian message—the Gospel. They came with lists of questions every week, and thanks to their commitment to each other and to getting answers, none of us have been the same since. The synergism generated in those small group meetings was electric.

Those men encouraged me to continue translating core teachings of ancient (classical) Christianity into the reality of our daily lives—they settled for nothing less. I now dedicate these “Conversations” to them. Thank you, my brothers! I gained more from you than I could ever give.

Conversations Video Series

“An Invitation Into Reality: Repentance as Healing”

Great Lent 2021

Recorded April 1, 2021

Click here for the Video

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